How to acquire a native accent of any language and at low cost?

I would suggest to try and constantly interact with native speakers via two platforms that I have used and would highly recommend others use. Not only because it will help you acquire, improve or maintain a good native accent, but also because it is very cost effective.

1. Preply is an online platform that pairs students with private tutors remotely via videochat; in my case, I’ve practiced +250 hours of Speaking with English and Japanese native tutors from 7 to 10 USD per hour via Preply.

2. Couchsurfing International is an online platform, that allows you to contact and invite a native speaker of any language who’s looking for accommodation near your home; this way you can have conversations with native speakers in person and lead to a cultural exchange. I have personally invited and accommodated over 15 foreigners, however, sadly this has been put on hold due to COVID19. Once normality resumes, I will look at continuing to do this.

Thanks to these platforms I’ve recently obtained a C1 certification in English Speaking and I’m going for a C2 Level !

For clarification, I'm not criticizing those who have a non-native accent, I'm simply providing information that will allow those seeking to attain or improve their accent as this can be valuable when applying for vacancies in the BPO or tourism sector.

For more info as to “why accents matter”, please refer to:

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